Angélina Auverny & Fatima Saidani

Digital transformation director

Angélina's role at Carrefour is to foster a culture of agility, innovation, and adaptability within the organization, by promoting awareness and understanding of the "4-in-the-Box" operating model and principles and emphasizing its importance in achieving strategic objectives. Trained in Palo Alto's systemic and strategic approach, Angélina believes that by embodying the change and consistently demonstrating new ways of thinking, behaving, and working, individuals play a pivotal role in driving meaningful change that transforms the system from within. Always on the lookout for the slightest thing to hack, you will probably find her in training sessions or with teams challenging the status quo.

Digital transformation manager

Fatima's day-to-day involves supporting digital teams on their ways of working. This includes formalizing the 4-in-the-box operating model, adapting it to Carrefour needs, issues and challenges. She works closely and cross-functionally with all the digital factories and the teams involved in the Group's digital transformation.Before joining Carrefour, Fatima worked for 8 years as a consultant in the fields of transport, energy and retail. Passionate about calligraphy, reading and good coffee, you won't be surprised to find her sitting in a Parisian coffee shop, enjoying an oat milk flat white, with a book and/or pen in hand.

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